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Playing Cards
Von Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Luxury Bridge Kartenset 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
Von Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Hungaria Bridge Kartenset 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
Von Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Polonia Bridge Kartenset 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 1 x 55 sheets in folding case, 63 x 88 mm, individual front and back.
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 1 x 55 sheets in folding case, 63 x 88 mm, individual front and back.
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 1 x 55 sheets in folding case, 63 x 88 mm, individual front and back.
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 1 x 55 sheets in folding case, 63 x 88 mm, individual front and back.
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 1 x 55 sheets in folding case, 63 x 88 mm, individual front and back.
€8.95 *

DE (German version)
Von Piatnik: Brooklyn, New York, 22.11.2002 Ein regnerischer Novembertag. Es ist ungewöhnlich ruhig auf dem Polizeirevier, doch plötzlich klingelt das Telefon. Ein weiterer Mord in Brooklyn. Und das eine Woche vor deinem wohlverdienten...
€14.95 *

DE (German version)
Von Piatnik: Brooklyn, New York, 22.11.2002 Ein regnerischer Novembertag. Es ist ungewöhnlich ruhig auf dem Polizeirevier, doch plötzlich klingelt das Telefon. Ein weiterer Mord in Brooklyn. Und das eine Woche vor deinem wohlverdienten...
€14.95 *

DE (German Version)
Vom Hersteller: Lachsalven, Aktionen mit Händen und Füßen...und die Zeit läuft! Zusammengesetzte Hauptwörter so umschreiben, darstellen oder zeichnen, dass sie von den Mitspielern in 60 Sekunden erraten werden können – so simpel und doch...
€29.95 *

Playing Cards
1 x 55 Blatt in Faltetui, 63 x 88 mm, plastic coated
€5.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Tanks! - from the ungainly Mark I on the Somme to the powerful M46 Patton in Korea. These rare wartime images feature iconic tanks - with their specifications - like the Russian T34 and formidable King Tiger. A collectors'...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Playing cards celebrating the life and world of Vice-Admiral Nelson . His Navy, brilliant career and private life are captured in 54 memorable images from the NATIONAL MARITIME MUSEUM Piatnik cards are ideal for wargames...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: 54 playing cards, published with Waterloo 200 , to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the Battle of Waterloo, a defining moment in European history. The armies of both sides, and their leaders and soldiers, are featured...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Classic Pin-Ups from the golden age - a torrid mixture of brilliant studio portraits, tacky postcards and nostalgic (and suggestive) magazine covers, featuring women like Anita Eckberg, Bardot, Rita Hayworth and justly...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
Von Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Kaiser Jubiläum Bridge Kartenset Das Besondere an diesem Kartenset: Anlässlich des 50-jährigen Thronjubiläums Kaiser Franz Josephs im Jahre 1898 entwarf die Wiener Spielkartenfabrik Piatnik...
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: France Royal Bridge Kartenset 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Romanov Bridge Kartenset 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Tudor Rose Bridge Kartenset Kartenrücken mit Tudor-Rose-Emblem, Front mit berühmten Persönlichkeiten der Tudor-Dynastie 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und...
€13.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Commemorative Playing Cards - published on the 90th anniversary of the Battle of Passchendaele (1917) - featuring historic photographs and brilliant, evocative posters of the Great War . Produced with IN FLANDERS FIELDS...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: D-Day - June 6, 1944 - the greatest ever sea-born invasion, is commemorated in these 75th Anniversary Collectors' Playing Cards featuring, on every card classic photographs from the Imperial War Museum. This tribute to the...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Per ardua ad astra! The Royal Airforce is celebrating 100 years! The Royal Air Force in pictures with aircraft, commanders and crews who triumphed in the war. From the brave airmen of 1918 to today's peacekeepers, we honor...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Playing cards commemorating the American Civil War , featuring great portraits of statesmen, generals and fighting men, as well as graphic scenes of battle in color. Evocative images from the Library of Congress are...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Napoléon Bonaparte , the greatest military commander in history, is celebrated in playing cards featuring the Emperor and his army in teir pomp and glory. Portraits from life and 20th century illustrations reflect an heroic...
€8.95 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Battleships and battlecruisers had their finest hour in the last century - they fused speed, fire-power, endurance and armour into fearsome fighting ships. Their names recall ferocious battles - Bismarck, Hood, Yamato,...
€6.50 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik Playing cards featuring on all 55 cards Warplanes of World War II, in dramatic and evocative images. The great aircraft are all there, both Allied and Axis, together with their specefications, so that enthusiasts can enjoy...
€6.50 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: In 1940 'the nation had the lion`s heart', said Churchill. 'I had the luck to give the roar.' And what a roar! His oratory inspired Britain and her Commonwealth; but it was the Few of the RAF , those gallant fighter pilots,...
€6.50 *

Playing Cards
From Piatnik: Commemorative Playing Cards featuring iconic colour and black & white images of World War II - on all 54 cards -in memorable posters and dramatic photographs, including rare pictures of men an machines at the sharp end of...
€6.50 *

Playing Cards
Piatnik Design- / Geschenkkarten: Glorious America Bridge Kartenset Berühmte Persönlichkeiten der Amerikanischen Geschichte 2 x 55 Blatt in Doppeletui, 58 x 89 mm, individuelle Vorder- und Rückseite
€11.95 *

DE / FR / HU / CZ / SK / PL (German / French / Hungarian /...
Von Piatnik: Wanted: Der Spion auf leisen Pfoten Am Checkpoint Charlie soll die Katze aus dem Sack: Bis zu fünf verschiedene Geheimdienste haben ihre Spürhunde ausgeschickt und überwachen die Grenzpassage zwischen Ost- und West-Berlin....
€8.95 *

DE / HU (German / Hungarian Version)
Von Piatnik: Die Lizenz zum Fragen Wie bei der erfolgreichen Erstveröffentlichung von „Agent Undercover“ (u.a. auf der Empfehlungsliste zum „Spiel des Jahres“ 2016) geht es auch jetzt darum, durch geschicktes Befragen der Mitspieler den...
€25.95 *

Playing Cards
1 x 55 Blatt in Faltetui, 63 x 88 mm, plastic coated
€5.95 *

DE (German Version)
Von Piatnik: Wer wird der neue Sheriff in Silver City - das entscheidet sich zu High Noon, wer kann am besten die Treffer vermeiden? Ab in den Wilden Westen geht es beim Kartenstichspiel „Wild Shots“. In den verschiedenen Runden gehen...
€8.95 *

internationale Version
Vom Hersteller : Bei diesem bunten Wabenspiel gilt es die sechseckigen Spielsteine als Bienenstock aneinander zu legen. Gewonnen hat nicht zwingend der Schnellste, sondern der Spieler, der die meisten passenden Symbole gelegt hat. Im...
€27.95 *