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language independent / Playmat
From Phalanx Games: Premium quality neoprene game mat with stitched edges. 560x560 mm size. The Playing Mat is double-sided.
€49.95 *

DE (German Version)
Von Phalanx Games: Führe eines der von kaiserlicher Macht träumenden alten chinesischen Königreiche, erschaffe neue Reiche, baue Pagoden, ringe um Einfluss - und kämpfe darum, das Land unter deiner glorreichen Dynastie zu reinen! Huang...
€59.95 *

EN (English Version)
From Phalanx Games: Lead an ancient China kingdom dreaming of imperial power, establish new states, build pagodas, strive for influence – and battle to unite the country under your glorious dynasty! HUANG is set in the Warring States...
€59.95 *

language independent / Accessories
From Phalanx Games: These wooden blocks are used to replace the standard cardboard standees featured in Huang .
€14.95 *

EN (english version)
From Phalanx Games: You shall fight in the fields and in the streets, you shall fight on the seas and oceans, you shall fight in the air, whatever the cost may be. You shall harness your industries to craft new technologies superior to...
€41.95 *

International version / Expansion
From Phalanx Games: Deluxe Miniature Set for Total Domination . 76 Plastic miniatures, including: 40 tank miniatures, 20 ship miniatures, 10 aircraft miniatures, 6 miniatures for Resistance expansion.
€42.95 *

DE (German Version)
Von Phalanx: Tinners‘ Trail ist ein themenorientiertes Eurospiel, das im Cornwall des 19. Jahrhunderts spielt. Ihr übernehmt die Rolle eines Bergbau-Konglomerats während der Hochphase der Zinn- und Kupfer-Bergbauindustrie. Ihr müsst in...
€39.95 *

Gaming Accessory / Playing Mat
from the Publisher: Alexander the Great is dead. All his most loyal generals tribute their respect to their dead king, staring at his ring, a symbol of great power... and the war of the succession is soon to come! Successors is one of...
€64.95 *

EN (English version) / fourth edition
From Phalanx Games: You are standing in a half-lit alcove in one of the inner chambers of Nebuchadnezzar II’s palace. Babylon is scorching under the late spring sun, but the events which are taking place before your very eyes, chill you...
€104.95 *

GER (German version) / fourth edition
Es handelt sich um die deutsche Version! From Phalanx Games: You are standing in a half-lit alcove in one of the inner chambers of Nebuchadnezzar II’s palace. Babylon is scorching under the late spring sun, but the events which are...
€104.95 *

language agnostic
From Phalanx Games: This is NOT a standalone game, the Nanty Narking base game is required to play. Enhance your Nanty Narking experience with this unique set of beautiful miniatures designed to evoke the illustrious atmosphere of...
€45.95 *

EN (English Version)
From Phalanx Games: You lie in a cot, tossing and turning, trying to doze off after a 36-hour shift of a non-stop hustle and bustle. Orchestrating the deployment of trains with 450 barrels of tank fuel to Proskurov as well as supervising...
€74.96 * €99.00 *

DE (German Version), Retail Edition
Von Phalanx: Die Handlung findet auf dem Stadtplan statt: Die Spieler platzieren ihre Agenten und Gebäude anhand der Spielkarten auf dem Brett. Jade Karte ist einzigartig. Die Karten enthalten zahlreiche berühmte. Charaktere aus diversen...
€39.95 *

DE (German Version), English Rules to Download
From Phalanx, A deck-building game with an innovative twist of preparing your missions on the Launch Pad, temporarily removing part of your assets from the deck you play. To win, you must find a balance between the „mission” and „money”...
€34.95 *

EN (English Version), Retail Edition
From Phalanx: The action takes place on the Victorian London city map, with players placing their agents and buildings on the board through card play, Every card is unique. The cards bring the game to life as they include most of the...
€39.95 *

Mat Expansion
Von Phalanx: 1 Neopren-Spielmatte (lasergeschnitten, Größe 67 x 67 cm) vergrößerte Spielflächen für leichteres Spielen.
€34.95 *

Mat Expansion
Von Phalanx: 4 Spielermatten aus Neopren (lasergeschnitten, Format 56 x 20 cm), vergrößert um die Bereiche Abschussrampe und Haltebereich.
€34.95 *

DE (German version)
Vom Hersteller: Europe Divided handelt von einem expansionistischem Europa, einem wieder erwachendem Russland und einem neuen kalten Krieg. Es ist ein spannendes asymmetrisches Strategiespiel für 2 Spieler. Es gibt keine Glückselemente,...
€49.95 *

EN (English version) / Expansion
from the publisher: Solo Mode expansion for Freedom! The Insurgent player is played by A.I., reacting to what the human Imperial player will be doing. There is a flowchart spelling out various cases and what to do in each case, as well...
€6.95 *

from the publisher: A double-sided 99 x 66 cm/39” x 27” playmat made of synthetic canvas. A finely rollable alternative to the standard cardboard board. The city center of London has never looked more tempting to experience Nanty...
€47.95 *

DE (deutsche Version)
von den Herstellern: Nanty Narking lässt Sie tief in die literarische Welt von Charles Dickens und Arthur Conan Doyle eintauchen und führt Sie hinein in die Geheimnisse und Legenden des Viktorianischen Zeitalters. Die Ereignisse des...
€94.95 *

from the publisher: deluxe set of 50 metal coins (20 crowns, 30 shillings, all designed basing on the real Victorian era ones)
€24.95 *

from the publisher: 4 wooden card holders, printed in player colors. 29x4 cm, can store 4 sleeved game cards.
€21.95 *

EN (englische Version)
from the publisher: U-BOOT: The Board Game is a fully cooperative, real-time tabletop game of WW2 submarine warfare. It allows 1 to 4 players to assume the roles of the Captain, the First Officer, the Navigator, and the Chief Engineer on...
€99.95 *

sprachunabhängig, Spielmatte
from the publisher: Play U-BOOT in a bigger surface. Each pack includes a smooth texture latex mat, waterproof and scratch resistant, 0.7 mm thick, UV proof, and rollable. U-BOOT: The Board Game is a real-time tabletop game of WW2...
€29.95 *

sprachunabhängig, Navigationsinstrumente aus Holz
from the publisher: Each pack includes includes all the plotting tools made in wood, (ruler, 360° protractor and pencil), customized with the Kriegsmarine logo. U-BOOT: The Board Game is a real-time tabletop game of WW2 submarine...
€14.95 *

sprachunabhängig, Spielmatte
from the publisher: Play U-BOOT in a bigger surface. Each pack includes an eco–leather mat with foam bottom, waterproof and scratch resistant, 2 mm thick, rollable, foldable, and anti–allergic. U-BOOT: The Board Game is a real-time...
€59.95 *

Englische Version
From the Publisher: Casting call for the reality show HUNGER! Are you ready for the adventure of a lifetime? Do you have the wits to survive, with other participants, on a deserted tropical island? Or simply want to win $1,000,000? If...
€21.95 *

EN (englische Version)
From Phalanx: The MAGNATES: A Game of Power is a strategic board game for 2-5 players which is fast and full of historical atmosphere and rich interactions. It takes you into the world of aristocratic intrigues and struggles for power...
€39.95 *

EN (englische Version)
The Roman Empire exists for almost 1,000 years. It is, however, but a pale shadow of what it used to be in the times of Caesar or Trajan. The World is changing and new powers are rising; soon they will begin to harass and attack the...
€29.95 *

DE / EN / FR / PL (deutsche / englische / französische /...
From the publisher: CLASH: Jihad vs. McWorld is a two-player logic game. Both players start the game with a set of seven tiles. During the game, they can also use five neutral tiles, randomly selected from a stack of 17, which adds...
€12.00 * €19.95 *

DE (deutsche Version)
Spartacus ist ein Karten gesteuertes Strategiespiel für zwei Spieler, das eine lose Koalition unter Sertorius gegen die römische Republik unter Sulla führt. Als Koalitionsspieler versucht man, die Republik auf den Status zurückzuführen,...
€39.95 *

DE (deutsche Version)
The Dragon Hordes expansion (55 cards, two small pages of rules) to Warriors adds a new creature, the Dragon, along with additional Catapults and Attack Cards, and makes the game playable by up to 6 players. Dragons, unlike other...
€7.00 * €11.95 *

DE (deutsche Version)
Here's a description of the game from Phalanx Games: In the late 18th century, the fast growing population of the emerging United States of America showed an increasing interest in the Wild West. Millions of poor immigrants were arriving...
€29.90 *

DE (deutsche Version)
A description by Phalanx's Uli Blennemann from "Gone Cardboard" It is a completely new game, much lighter in complexity. The game uses a large gameboard, comes in our big box and is for 2-5 players. Playing time is 75+ minutes. It is not...
€45.00 *