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internationale Version
from Boardgamegeek: In Habitats , each player builds a big wildlife park without cages or fences. The animals in your park need their natural habitats: grassland, bush, rocks or lakes. The zebra needs a big area of grass and some water...
€18.00 * €35.95 *

EN (englische Version)
from Boardgamegeek: In Factory Funner , players are factory managers who select and install machines in their factory. They try connect all machine input and output pipes to the right reservoirs or to other machines in order to build the...
€53.95 *

from Boardgamegeek: Factory Funner: Expansion 2 is a small promo expansion to Factory Funner. It contains 8 new machines (plus 1 end product reservoir). The mini expansion makes that the game have more machines which improves the...
€3.95 *

from Boardgamegeek: Factory Funner: Expansion 1 is a small promo expansion to Factory Funner containing: Filtrator - A new machine. Secret Lab 51 - Another new machine that can be built over by connectors. A 2-hex factory floor...
€3.95 *

DE / EN / FR / NL (deutsche / englische / französische /...
From the Publisher: In Mayday! Mayday! all players are flight crewmembers aboard flight LK-886, on which the pilot has suddenly died. A heart attack? Poison? Murder? The copilot must now take the lead, but other crewmembers distrust him....
€9.00 * €15.95 *

DE/EN/FR/NL (German, English, French, Dutch Version)
Von Cwali : Wie der Name bereits vermuten lässt, können mit dieser Erweiterung bis zu 10 Spieler Mayday! Mayday! spielen. Man benötigt das Grundspiel Mayday! Mayday! , um diese Erweiterung spielen zu können.
€3.00 * €4.95 *