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This is an 1/16'' roll gaming mat for Space Movers 2201. Great for Die rolls! ;)
€8.50 *

EN (englische Version)
Space Movers is a cooperative sci-fi adventure set in the year 2201. In this game you play the role of one of the crew members on board the space ship Liberty. Your job as a Mover is to jump from planet to planet in the system picking up...
€62.95 *

EN (englische Version)
This pack contains 14 new Objective cards to add to your Space Movers Random Objective Card Deck in the base game. This is an Expansion for Space Movers 2201!
€6.50 *

EN (englische Version)
Need some extra challenge in Space Movers 2201? This pack features 10 more difficult UO Pursuit cards and 4 more difficult Event cards. These cards can mix with or replace the UO Pursuits and Events provided with the base game to make...
€6.50 *

EN (englische Version)
Now for Space Movers 2201. A bounty hunter has been sent after the Liberty crew! This expansion adds a new element to the game with 3 new Objective cards to add to your Random Objective Card Deck. Will the bounty hunter catch you? The...
€6.50 *

EN (englische Version)
This pack contains a 5-card Adventure Objective Set for Space Movers 2201. The pack continues the story of the stolen time module and picks up right where the Adventure Objective set included in the base game ends. The pack also includes...
€4.50 *