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EN (English version) / Expansion
From Magpie Games : Welcome to the farm... Keep your fields sewn and your fences strong, and maybe you’ll have a shot. Just so long as the dead don’t decide to come wandering through those trees. The Farm Enclave Expansion for Zombie...
€16.95 *

EN (English version)
From Magpie Gam es: Life after Z-Day, one day at a time... Zombie World is a card-based tabletop roleplaying game about survivors caught up in the aftermath of a zombie apocalypse, fighting against the living and the restless dead. You...
€24.95 *

EN (English version)
From Magpie Games : Welcome to the Mall... A temple to capitalism and a fortress against the dead. Maybe this place will help keep you alive, so long as you don't mind living off the food court for a while. The Mall Enclave Expansion for...
€16.95 *

EN/FR (English and French version)
from Mapel Games: In Dragon Boats of the Four Seas , Zhong-Guo, the Middle Kingdom, is an island surrounded by the four Dragon Seas. After a long period of strife, Zhong-Guo has once again been unified and the noble houses rise from the...
€52.95 *

EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: Wizard Kittens is a semi-cooperative set collection card game. Play as kittens who have accidentally released a few curses from the library’s restricted section. The library is supposed to be a place of quiet and...
€19.95 *

EN (English version)
from the publisher: Those wizard kittens are at it again! Now these fuzzy magic users have accidentally set magical monsters loose! With the help of their new pal Van Meowsing, the kitties have to tend to and quiet down these beasties...
€14.95 *