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Der Whitehall-Mord
DE (deutsche Version)
Vom Hersteller: Oktober 1888: Während dem Bau der Hauptquartiere der Polizei nahe Whitehall, die später als das Scotland Yard bekannt werden sollten, wurden die Überreste einer Leiche gefunden. Bereits im September hatte man einen...
24,95 € *
Great Battles of Small Units: Mokra 1st...
EN / PL (englische / polnische Version), Ziplock
From Strategemata: On 1st September, 1939, armies of Third Reich had attacked Poland. During the very same day, a battle took place, the battle that after many years later became a symbol of clash of old cavalry formations with modern...
16,95 € *
Goblins Epic Death
Englische Version
The new Goblin chiefs are ready to sound the charge and assault the castle! This time, the fortress is defended by a moat full of muddy water. But our fearless heroes did not come unprepared! Among the Goblin warriors are lifeguards,...
18,95 € *
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