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Space Opera
Space Opera
EN (englische Version)
from the publisher: War between diff erent species have spread through almost every corner of the galaxy. Players, represent one of these species in their race to achieve supremacy. Manage your resources, create new technologies, build...
12,00 € * 20,95 € *
La Agencia: Misión Embajada
La Agencia: Misión Embajada
EN (englische Version)
from the publisher: The Agency you’re working for received some news about Information leaks to a foreign country. Your team got the order to attend to one of the compromised embassies. You must send your Agents to gather Information,...
20,95 € *
Zombie Dawn
Zombie Dawn
EN (englische Version)
from BoardGameGeek: There are times when surviving depends on a choice: fight or run... It's been three days since your brother went to the village for provisions and has not returned yet. A ranger warns you of a strange outbreak, but...
28,95 € *
Sant Jordi. La Llegenda
Sant Jordi. La Llegenda
SP/IT/EN (Spanische, italienische und englische Version)
from BoardGameGeek: A mighty Dragon is raiding all the country and a knight is traveling from a far away lands for defeating the beast and letting those lands gorgeous as a bunch of roses, as they were before. SANT JORDI. La llegenda is...
20,95 € *
Belratti (DE)
Belratti (DE)
DE (deutsche Version)
vom Hersteller: Versucht gemeinsam die die Fälschungen des Kunstfälschers Belratti aufzudecken, damit diese nicht in das Museum von Katz gelangen. Der Kunstfälscher Belratti setzt seit Jahrzehnten sein außergewöhnliches Talent ein, um...
13,95 € *
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