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Waste Knights 2. Edition: Outback-Geschichten Erweiterung
Waste Knights 2. Edition: Outback-Geschichten...
DE (Deutsche Version) / Erweiterung
Von Heidelbär Games: Das Wasteland ist in Aufruhr. Vergessene Technologien, seltsame Kulte und Geheimnisse aus der Zeit vor der Plage kehren zurück und stellen die Überlebenden der Apokalypse vor neue Herausforderungen. Dabei sehnen sich...
46,95 € *
Age of Thieves: Masters of Disguise
Age of Thieves: Masters of Disguise
EN (englische Version) / Erweiterung
From the publisher: While master thieves hide in the shadows and plan their next moves, two new characters enter the city. At first, they don’t seem very suspicious – just an elderly lady with a rusty cat and a wandering actor. However,...
15,00 € * 24,95 € *
Wanted: Rich or Dead
Wanted: Rich or Dead
EN (englische Version)
Howdy pard! Heel yourself with a proper six shooter and prepare for a real shootout. In Wanted 3-5 players will take on a roles of an infamous Old West characters and shoot their way to the riches. Each turn the players are secretly...
29,95 € *
Andromeda (EN)
Andromeda (EN)
EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: The far future. Humanity is long extinct. Its place has been taken by many new races from across and beyond this galaxy. Peace is preserved only by the Galactic Council of Elders maintaining a balance of power among...
30,00 € * 49,95 € *
Age of Thieves
Age of Thieves
EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: Age of Thieves is a fantasy board game of strategy and adventure set in Hadria, a port metropolis located on the northern fringes of a mighty Empire. Each player becomes a master thief about to commit the most daring...
24,00 € * 55,95 € *
Zombie Terror
Zombie Terror
Englische Version
We must stay together – they’re everywhere! Only a few has managed to stay alive after the zombieapocalypse. A small group of survivors hid inside a shopping mall, but the apparently safe place soon turned out to be a dead end –...
29,95 € *
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