Devil Pig Board Games

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Shadows over Normandie: The Choir of Nightmares
Shadows over Normandie: The Choir of Nightmares
EN (englische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: This punchboard contains a new unit for the Mythos faction, the Choir of Nightmares , an evil choir, singing ungodly canticles lead by their choral conductor. Practically, this choral conductor chants a hymn,...
8,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie - Section M Deck Box Set
Shadows over Normandie - Section M Deck Box Set
Storage Expansion
From Devil Pig Games: Content: 1 printed deck box for Action cards 70 printed sleeves for Action cards
12,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie - Mythos Deck Box Set
Shadows over Normandie - Mythos Deck Box Set
Storage Expansion
From Devil Pig Games: Content: 1 printed deck box for Action cards 70 printed sleeves for Action cards
12,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set - Call 4
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set -...
EN / FR (English / French Version)
From Devil Pig Games: Obviously, we can’t propose sewers without populating them with creatures. Cthulhu Mythos Call #4, composed of 3 punchboards, allows you to play with a Ghoul Clan (demanded by Shadows over Normandie Kickstarter...
15,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Drop Pods Ultramarines
Heroes of Black Reach - Drop Pods Ultramarines
From Devil Pig Games: “Vorolanus Squad, Solinus Squad, Brother Agnathio, man embarkation deck for orbital deployment in sector 4-9-2. Initiating launching sequence of modules 1, 2, 12, 23, … Calculating approach path…” The exclusive Drop...
10,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Orks Bad Moon Reinforcement
Heroes of Black Reach - Orks Bad Moon...
EN/FR (englische und französische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: “While Warboss Skarblitz disembarks on Black Reach with his Bad Moons to participate in the battle (and maybe taking advantage of the first opportunity to take power of the Waaagh), Goff Meks finish the Stompa’s...
29,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Battleground Set #1
Heroes of Black Reach - Battleground Set #1
EN / FR (englische / französische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: “Orks continuously reinforce their positions to control the communication lines. Furthermore, their primitive fort allows them to assemble their war machines with apparent impunity. We must absolutely destroy these...
25,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie - Investigators Deck Box Set
Shadows over Normandie - Investigators Deck Box...
Storage Expansion
From Devil Pig Games: All you need to protect your Action Investigators cards! Content : 1 thick cardboard storage box 70 illustrated card protectors
12,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie Conversion Deck V2.0
Shadows over Normandie Conversion Deck V2.0
EN (englische Version), Updated Card Deck
From Devil Pig Games: Convert your Heroes of Normandie and Heroes of Stalingrad decks into Shadows over Normandie decks and discover new facets of the Achtung! Cthulhu universe! Content: HoN – 6 US Cards 2.0 HoN – 6 GE Cards 2.0 HoN – 6...
10,95 € *
Heroes of Normandie - FFI & Investigator Cards V2.0
Heroes of Normandie - FFI & Investigator Cards...
EN (English Version), Updated Card Deck
From Devil Pig Games: After the first edition of Heroes of Normandie, each subsequent release in the Heroes System range (Shadows over Normandie, Heroes of Black Reach and Heroes of Stalingrad) benefited from the evolution and...
12,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set - Call 3
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set -...
From Devil Pig Games: A set of four fan-made 'Print & Play' punchboards that expand Shadows over Normandie and introduce the FFI army into the Cthulhu world. Made by the Devil Pig Games French forum moderator, Guillaume Duprez. Approved...
20,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Drop Zone Magazin #1 (EN)
Heroes of Black Reach - Drop Zone Magazin #1 (EN)
EN (englische Version) / Magazin
From Devil Pig Games: This Drop Zone magazin issue #1 includes: 1 booklet (containing the rules and 1 scenario) 1 battleground poster Ultramarines units Brother Malcian Tactical Squad (Solinus) with their Rhino Wargear and Upgrade...
25,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Core Box
Heroes of Black Reach - Core Box
EN (englische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: The "Heroes System Tactical Scale" from Heroes of Normandie is moving to the very stars into the universe of Warhammer 40,000! On the hive-world of Black Reach, an Ork Waaagh! breaks, jeopardizing this sector of the...
66,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Ultramarines Reinforcements
Heroes of Black Reach - Ultramarines...
EN/FR (englische und französische Version)
From the publisher: Ultramarines Reinforcement This expansion tells the battles at Sulphora Hive, taking place during Telion’s hunt for Zanzag, and the final fight between Cato Sicarius and the Ork Warboss. Content: Captain Cato Sicarius...
30,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set - Call 2 (FR)
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set -...
FR (französische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: Il s'agit d'une extension pour le jeu de base Shadows over Normandy. Contenu : - 1 punchboard : Luc Lo Pan, the Green Rascal - 1 paquet de 50 cartes Action pour jouer le Mythe - 1 set de pions Ordre au couleur du...
20,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Vanguard Squad & Ork Freebooterz
Heroes of Black Reach - Vanguard Squad & Ork...
EN (englische Version) / Ultramarines & Orks Expansion
From Devil Pig Games: 2 punch boards packaged together. They are not available individually. Ork Freebooterz are notorious pirates and thieves, plying the void in smoking, sparking ships with the intent of causing as much mayhem and...
10,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Ork Reinforcement
Heroes of Black Reach - Ork Reinforcement
EN / FR (englische und französische Version)
From Devil Pig Games: This expansion tells the battles at the walls of Gospora Hive, and Zanzag’s escape. Content: New characters: Goff Warboss Zanzag, Death Skull Painboy Grimsnagga and his Grot Orderlies, Bad Moon Big Mek Kagbozak New...
30,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Zogrim the Kharnager
Heroes of Black Reach - Zogrim the Kharnager
EN/FR (englische und französische Version)
From the Publisher: Zogrim ate all his opponents, he finds his pleasure in the bloody bath of violence on the battleground where his famous shout resounds and makes the weaks tremble ! KHARNAGE! Content: 1x Zogrim the Kharnager
5,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Castellum Stronghold
Heroes of Black Reach - Castellum Stronghold
From Devil Pig Games: One double-sided terrain board for Heroes of Black Reach . One side features a stronghold castle, whereas the other side features a blank battlefield, ready to be included in your fights!
9,95 € *
Heroes of Normandie - Shadows over Normandie: The Ventura and Smugglers
Heroes of Normandie - Shadows over Normandie:...
EN/FR (englische und französische Version)
From the publisher: Punchboards featuring the full-scale ship Ventura and its notorious crew of smugglers. Content: 2 punchboards with Seb, his smugglers and 1 boat
12,95 € *
Heroes of Normandie - Pointe du Hoc
Heroes of Normandie - Pointe du Hoc
From the Publisher: Content: 4 terrain tiles 2 big punchboards You can use it with Heroes of Normandie or Shadows over Normandie.
26,95 € *
Age of Towers - Les Winx / The Winx
Age of Towers - Les Winx / The Winx
EN / FR / IT (englische / französische / italienische Version)
From the Publisher: Age of Towers: The Winx increases the stakes with more quest and event cards to add to your Age of Towers base game, along with more monster content and materials for a fifth player. Defend your city and mine those...
15,95 € *
Age of Towers - Core Box
Age of Towers - Core Box
EN (englische Version)
From the Publisher: You've just found a mine filled with precious energy crystals! Precisely those you use for your daily magic. The problem here is that you've also stumbled onto a horde of monsters! And to make things even worse, three...
44,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Ultramarines Deck Box + Sleeves
Heroes of Black Reach - Ultramarines Deck Box...
From the Publisher: Content: 1 deck boxes in heavy cardboard (more resistant than Heroes of Normandie ones) 70 illustrated sleeves
15,95 € *
Heroes of Black Reach - Orks Deck Box + Sleeves
Heroes of Black Reach - Orks Deck Box + Sleeves
From the Publisher: Content: 1 deck boxes in heavy cardboard (more resistant than Heroes of Normandie ones) 70 illustrated sleeves
15,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Desert Wrath
Shadows over Normandie: Desert Wrath
EN (English Version)
From Devil Pig Games: After the swamps of Normandy, this Scenarios Pack will take you to the sweltering heat of the sands of Egypt. Follow the adventures of the Section M and accompany Captain Harris Badger and the Corporal Akhee Singh...
52,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set - Call 1
Shadows over Normandie: Cthulhu Mythos Set -...
From Devil Pig Games: Some thought that with the destruction of the Deep Ones village, peace had returned to Normandy and the Madness shadows had dispersed. In the shadows, new pawns move and come to threaten this apparent “peace”. The...
20,95 € *
Shadows over Normandie: Core Game
Shadows over Normandie: Core Game
EN (englische Version)
65,95 € *
Kharnage: The Dark Rampage Army Expansion
Kharnage: The Dark Rampage Army Expansion
DE (deutsche Version)
Mit The Dark Rampage , der ersten Erweiterung für die epische Kartenschlacht Kharnage, gibt es nun eine brandneue, fünfte Armee: die Untoten. Lasst gefallene Einheiten wieder auferstehen und kämpft mit Zombies und "Flesh Gordon" um den...
9,95 € *
Kharnage: Tricks & Mercenaries Army Expansion
Kharnage: Tricks & Mercenaries Army Expansion
DE (deutsche Version)
Euch ist die epischste aller Kartenschlachten noch nicht episch genug? Mit dieser zweiten Erweiterung für Kharnage kommt ein neuer Kartentyp ins Spiel: die Kradwallon-Karten. Mit ihrer Hilfe könnt ihr Söldner für eure Armee anheuern oder...
9,95 € *
Deutsche Version
Der Frühling ist da! Endlich geht es wieder nach draußen für Kämpfe und Gemetzel. Die perfekte Jahreszeit, um diesen wunderschönen Hügel ohne strategischen Wert zu erobern. Du weißt schon, der mit dem Picknicktisch oben drauf. Wie jedes...
24,95 € *
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