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EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: Circus Flohcati is an exciting, push-your-luck card game by famed designer Reiner Knizia. Players must attempt to collect all the acts required to perform a Gala Show that will be the toast of the town! But be...
19,95 € *

DE / FR / ES / IT / PL (deutsche / französische / spanische /...
Vom Hersteller: In den Fängen des Kraken ist eine Erweiterung zum Familienspiel Captain Flip , das zum Spiel des Jahres 2024 nominiert wurde. Captain Flip: In den Fängen des Kraken enthält ein neues Abenteuer mit je einer Abenteuertafel...
5,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From Bedsit Games: THREE DAYS BEFORE YOU GET THE BEAK! Prepare yourself for a tiny tin adventure set in the coastal town of Coppershell Bay . You play a lowly skinner at the local maggot farm who has 3 days to pay back their debt of 60...
18,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Erweiterung
From Bedsit Games: A Christmassy expansion for Paupers' Ladder . Play as 4 brand new Paupers and Birds and travel the lengths of Brighthelm giving out gifts to Cities, hazards and even opposing players to learn a brand new Virtue -...
12,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Erweiterung
From Bedsit Games: A Halloween themed expansion for Paupers' Ladder in which you get to play a series of night horrors. Enslave creatures to fight for you, trick or treat other players and climb your way to the top of your festering pile.
9,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Erweiterung
From Bedsit Games: Nobody knew where they had come from and nobody knew why, but there they sat. Great bone monoliths that had torn their way through Brighthelm’s stone, soil and sand as though they had been under our feet all along. The...
28,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Erweiterung
From Bedsit Games: “Along with the hustle and bustle of my home, I finally realise the greatest adventures to be had were here beneath my feet all along.” This Cobbled Isle adds a City Region deck to Paupers’ Ladder and The Moon Towers ,...
28,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / inkl. Promo "Galadriels Geschenke"
Von Asmodee: Die Reise beginnt! Betretet die legendäre Welt von Mittelerde bei Die Gefährten – Das Stichspiel ! In diesem kooperativen Kartenspiel arbeitet ihr zusammen und erlebt die Geschichte des ersten Buchs der beliebten Der Herr...
28,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: The award-winning board game CLANK! Legacy returns with an epic sequel: Clank! Legacy 2: Acquisitions Incorporated - Darkest Magic! Play co-operatively and competitively and get ready for more corporate hijinks in the...
124,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: In The Smurfs: Hidden Village , players are Smurfs who are tasked with rebuilding the mushroom village from scratch following the evil sorcerer Gargamel's latest scheme. To succeed, you need to work together as a...
39,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From the Publisher: Let's win a stick with a 5 mm difference! Join the auction as a stick collector! Bid for a worthwhile stick with only a 5mm difference. Players compete for sticks that are put on the table one by one. The more sticks...
28,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From the Publisher: In Judge Domino , first released as チキンドミノ (Chicken Domino), players set up a challenging line of dominoes to be pushed over and hope to either successfully knock them over — or pass and have someone else fail to...
28,95 € *

EN/JP (englische und japanische Version)
From the Publisher: Nuts a GoGo! / ナッツアゴーゴー, is a set collection game in which players grab game pieces and place them in a personal stash. In the next phase, players one at a time name and show a piece from their stash. All players then...
42,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From the Publisher: Outsmart your opponent in this gold gathering game using your superior guessing and disguising abilities. During the beginning of the game, both players construct their 4 gold pylons in secret. There are a set number...
25,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von Asmodee: Willkommen zur SWAG – der Supercoolen Wegkleb Austausch Gruppe! Wer hat die beeindruckendste Sammlung? Die seltenste? Die abwechslungsreichste? Es liegt an euch, das herauszufinden. Ihr habt euch versammelt, um nach dem...
27,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von dem Hersteller: Ein noch aufregenderes Tiefseeabenteuer ruft! Nutzt drei extra Würfel und legt den Turbo ein, um rechtzeitig mit mehr Schätzen als eure Gegner zurückzukehren. Am Meeresgrund warten Schätze darauf, von gierigen...
18,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von dem Hersteller: Souvenirs zu kaufen ist ein Kampf gegen die Zeit! Das Ende eures Urlaubs naht, aber ihr habt noch keine Souvenirs! Bekommt ihr noch genug der besten Mitbringsel? Oder solltet ihr auf etwas umsteigen, was einfach zu...
18,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From Red Raven Games: A new adventure set in the world of Arzium. In Creature Caravan , players build a card tableau of creatures while traveling through a magnificent and dangerous land. Players take turns simultaneously, placing dice...
49,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Erweiterung
From the publisher: Dice Throne: Marvel - Deadpool Expansion is an expansion of the fast-playing, dice-rolling combat game that puts players in the role of Deadpool, with his own set of dice, player board, and unique deck of cards....
32,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From the publisher: Dice Throne: Marvel - X-Men is a fast-playing, dice-rolling combat game that lets players battle as their favorite X-Men heroes in one-on-one duels, team battles, and free-for-alls! Based on the smash success Dice...
59,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From the publisher: Dice Throne: Marvel - X-Men is a fast-playing, dice-rolling combat game that lets players battle as their favorite X-Men heroes in one-on-one duels, team battles, and free-for-alls! Based on the smash success Dice...
59,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From Rio Grande Games: In Fishing , you try to catch as many tricks as possible in 8 rounds, as each card you catch counts 1 point. You use your caught cards for the next round. If you did not catch enough tricks to do so, you can fill...
20,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From DEVIR: You've been tasked by the city council to put together a plan to transform a whole neighborhood in the city. You have the opportunity to build new housing, office buildings, parks, and leisure areas near the waterfront. It is...
34,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Maestro Media : In Hello Kitty: Day at the Park , players take on the role of Hello Kitty, My Melody, Keroppi, Badtz Maru, or Chococat to playfully compete for the most epic day of fun at the local park. They explore the park by...
29,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From Sit Down! Games: Magic Maze Tower is a brand-new, standalone game that builds on the core mechanics of Magic Maze . It offers a series of 92 captivating puzzles, with increasing difficulty, to solve solo, with friends while talking,...
24,95 € *

From Keymaster Games: Upgrade your Caper: Europe experience with 10 delightfully, hefty metal coins! These were designed for use with Caper: Europe , but legends tell of gamers using them alongside their favorite role-playing games too.
39,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From BoardGameGeek: Let's load our luggage, but don't let the ship tip! Players alternately place their luggage on the 3D ship. The deck is always on a slope where the luggage is put, so place carefully. If the ship tilts, the player has...
28,95 € *

EN (englisch Version)
From itten games: A silly strike! A unique bowling alley called Wonder Bowling has opened. Instead of throwing the ball, hit the lane itself with a special stick. Aim to keep a certain number of pins standing or leave just one for a strike.
28,95 € *

Von The Op: An welchen Farbton denkst du, wenn wir „Apfel“ sagen? Hues and Cues ist ein lebhaftes, farbenfrohes Kommunikationsspiel, bei dem die Spieler herausgefordert sind, mit Worten Verbindungen zu Farben herzustellen. Mit nur einem...
34,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von Lookout Spiele: Hier und heute beginnt eine neue Geschichte... In einer stürmischen Nacht verbreitet sich das Gerücht, dass auf dem Schwarzmarkt in Treos für 20 Goldmünzen ein Glückstrank angeboten wird. Weil eure Pechsträhne bereits...
39,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von Asmodee: Aus allen Winkeln des Universums kriechen finstere Bedrohungen und wollen die Realität aus den Fugen heben. Varianten der übelsten Superschurken eilen durch Raum und Zeit, um die Macht an sich zu reißen. Aber wo mächtige...
44,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Expansion Bundle
This EXPANSION BUNDLE contains all of the following items: Big Rig and the Final Five Expansion Carnage at Devil's Run Expansion Choppe Shoppe Expansion Carnival of Chaos Expansion Tina's Swag Pack Extra Ammo Mini-Expansion Pack The base...
199,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Chrome Bundle
This CHROME BUNDLE contains all of the following items: Thunder Road: Vendetta - Maximum Chrome Edition (more infos below) Carnival of Chaos Expansion Box Extender Tina's Swag Pack From Restoration Games: CHROME AND THUNDER! In 1986,...
239,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Deluxe Bundle
This DELUXE BUNDLE contains all of the following items: Thunder Road: Vendetta - Maximum Chrome Edition (more infos below) Carnival of Chaos Expansion Box Extender Tina's Swag Pack Custom Dice Tray Deluxe Metal Scrap Tokens Set of Card...
339,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Spielzubehör
From Restoration Games: An extra set of the FX dice from the base game and expansions: Slam, Shooting, Direction, Stunt, Road, and Fire. Fire FX Die – Yellow and Red Direction Die – Purple and White Road Die – Grey and Yellow Shooting...
16,95 € *

EN (englisch Version) / Spielzubehör
From Restoration Games: A full set of premium sleeves for all cards from the base game and the first three expansions in appropriate sizes. 84x 63x88mm (standard card) 100x 44×67 mm (mini)
24,95 € *
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