Brettspiele & Kartenspiele

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Shadows of Brimstone - Ghosts of the Damned (Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Ghosts of the Damned...
EN (English version) / Game Supplement
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Wasteland Warmasters #1 (Enemy Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Wasteland Warmasters #1...
EN (English version) / Enemy Supplement
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Edge of the Abyss (Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Edge of the Abyss (Game...
EN (English version) / Game Supplement
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Canyons Artifacts #1 (Artifacts Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Canyons Artifacts #1...
EN (English version) / Canyons Artifacts
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Dead or Alive (Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Dead or Alive (Game...
EN (English version) / Game Supplement
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Nightmares from Beyond (Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Nightmares from Beyond...
EN (English version) / Game Supplement
€12.95 *
Shadows of Brimstone - Red Rock Gulch (Encounters Game Supplement) Shadows of Brimstone - Red Rock Gulch...
EN (English version) / Canyons Encounters
€12.95 *
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Evolution der Sterne
Evolution der Sterne
Deutsche Version
Für 1-6 Spieler Inhalt: 55 Spielkarten, davon 6 mit 2 Planeten, 28 mit 1 Planeten und 21 Sternenkarten ohne Planeten. Ihr benötigt 13 Würfel W6 (nicht im Spiel enthalten) pro Mitspieler, wir empfehlen unterscheidliche Farben pro Spieler....
€6.95 *
Sirius Games: The Three Musketeers
Sirius Games: The Three Musketeers
Englische Version
The players take the role of the musketeers and move trough the castle to find the queen and return her the jewels. One player takes up the role of Richelieu and the guards. It's his task to find which musketeer is carrying the jewels...
€45.00 *
MMM: Quest for the Dragonlord: Crystal of Power
MMM: Quest for the Dragonlord: Crystal of Power
Englische Version
The Crystal of Power - The 5 to 6 player expansion for Quest for the Dragonlords The Crystal of Power is the focal point of the universe, binding the fabric of time. In the first age, the Gods fought for control of the crystal through...
€40.90 *
Gigantoskop: Badaboom
Gigantoskop: Badaboom
Deutsche Version
Im Nachhinein betrachtet war es gar nicht so gut, dass du deinem Gebieter, dem Obersten Nekromanten höchst persönlich, überhaupt jemals begegnet bist. Nun findest du dich nämlich zusammen mit anderen bejammernswerten Kobolden in einem...
€12.95 *
Pocket Battles - Celts vs Romans
Pocket Battles - Celts vs Romans
Englische Version
The start in a series of pocket warfare, Pocket Battles takes you first to ancient times as Romans face the Celts. The size of the armies is agreed upon and formed according to the point values of the troops. Combat takes place in three...
€15.95 *
Tales of the Arabian Night
Tales of the Arabian Night
Englische Version
In Tales of the Arabian Nights, you are the hero or heroine in a story of adventure and wonder just like those told by Scheherazade to her spellbound sultan! You will travel the land seeking your own destiny and fortune. You will learn...
€51.95 *
Englische Version
A trade and tactical game for everybody! You are a merchant seeking fortune on India’s roads! Travel all over the country on your elephant and amass a real treasure by buying and retailing full price the most beautiful silks in the...
€42.50 *
Deutsche Version
Wir schreiben das Jahr 79 v. Chr. und Sylla, der unbestrittene Herrscher Roms, bereitet sich darauf vor, abzudanken, unter seiner Herrschaft fand der römische Senat zu altem Glanz zurück und es gibt viele Bewerber, die in seine...
€38.95 *
TLC: Zombies!!! 5: School´s out forever!
TLC: Zombies!!! 5: School´s out forever!
Englische Version
At Twilight University, the normal curriculum has changed. Instead of studying science and art, students at this school study imporvised weaponry and major in SURVIVAL!!! This expansion for the Zombies!!! board game adds: - 16 new map...
€15.95 *
Zombies!!! 6.66: Fil in the ___!!!
Zombies!!! 6.66: Fil in the ___!!!
Englische Version
You have always thought... "If I had some blank Zombies!!! cards and the tiles I could make a way better expansion than those hacks at Twilight Creations!" Well, here´s your chance, though guy! Show us what you got... Zombies!!! 6.66...
€8.95 *
Englische Version
The dead are rising from the graveyard which is conveniently located in the middle of your residential neighborhood. There is no way out of the neighborhood, so you must scrounge as much stuff (weapons, barricades, survivors, etc.) from...
€39.99 *
Mmm ... Brains!
Mmm ... Brains!
Englische Version
In Mmm ... Brains! you and your zombie friends roll the dice and rush to collect as many brains as possible. After all the brains are gone, roll the dice and force your opponents to drop their precious brains. Be the last with any brains...
€14.99 *
TLC: Zombies!!! 6: Six Feet Under
TLC: Zombies!!! 6: Six Feet Under
Englische Version
You have always thought... "There has got to be an easier way to get around town!" Well, now you found one... Or did you? There can´t be zombies underground, right? Zombies!!! 6: 6 feet under adds a whole new "level" of excitement to the...
€14.99 *
Humans!!! 2 - Sea Food
Humans!!! 2 - Sea Food
English version
Can Zombies!!! swim? Let's face it, when you were alive the question never crossed your mind. And now that you're dead, well, the question still hasn't occurred to you. Although you may be able to answer it if you could think about...
€16.95 *
Humans !!!
Humans !!!
Englische Version
You used to be a musician, doctor, miner, cheerleader, etc., but now you are a zombie and these pesky humans keep trying to kill you. But why? All you want is some nice, delicious brains. They have plenty. Perhaps if you infected more...
€32.00 *
Bag o´ Babes
Bag o´ Babes
Expansion for Zombies!!!
100 of the most attractive Zombie Babe that you can find. These are the girl zombies found in Zombies 2nd Edition.
€11.95 *
Dante´s Inferno
Dante´s Inferno
Englische Version
Dante's Inferno is a boardgame from Twilight Creations. The object of the game is to rescue enough sinners (resources) to gain entry to the 9th Circle of Hell and defeat Lucifer while preventing the other players from doing so first. For...
€29.99 *
The Haunting House 1
The Haunting House 1
Englische Version
The Haunting House is a wildly fun, fast paced, strategy boardgame with a twist. The object is simple, players enter the front door and race to be the first to reach the exit. It's not as easy as it sounds. Half the time the players...
€22.95 *
Zombies!!! - Core Game 2nd Edition
Zombies!!! - Core Game 2nd Edition
Englische Version
We have taken five years of input from the retailers and fans and updated and expanded this already great game. Improvements and additions include: Updated art for greater visual impact. Deeper box designed to hold all the Zombies!!!...
€29.95 *
Zombies!!! 4: The End...
Zombies!!! 4: The End...
Englische Version
Well, you´ve made it! You have escaped the town. It wasn´t easy. You fought the uber-zombies at the military base and search the mall for the source of the zombie scourge. All of your hard work ha finally paid off and now you stand here...
€24.95 *
Opfer der Wissenschaft
Opfer der Wissenschaft
Deutsche Version
Mitternacht auf dem Friedhof vor der Stadt, zwei einsame Gestalten. » 2 Füße und 1 Hand heute«, knurrte der griesgrämige Totengräber und hielt dem Händler einen schmutzigen Sack hin. Der zögerte noch. Würden sich diese Körperteile alle...
€11.90 *
Ben Hvst
Ben Hvst
Deutsche Version
Ein Wagenrenn-Brettspiel für 4 - 8 Spieler Willkommen im alten Rom, einer vor Leben pulsierenden Stadt, wo es für jeden etwas gibt. Du bist ein heissblütiger Aristokrat. Und besitzt einhundert Sesterzen, die ein großes, heißes Loch in...
€10.90 *
Truant: Festival der Gaukler
Truant: Festival der Gaukler
Deutsche Version
Wer schaft dieses Jahr das Kunststück, Publikumsliebling zu werden, ohne den König zu verärgern? Endlich ist es soweit: Das Festival der Gaukler steht bevor. Und wie jedes Jahr wird es für dich wieder Zeit, die Narrenkappe aufzusetzen,...
€14.95 *
Rache der Grabräuber aus dem All
Rache der Grabräuber aus dem All
Deutsche Version
"Aufregend! ... wie Skippy, der untote Wunderhund über seine Freunde herfällt ... Schockierend! ... wie der Einsatz von Fackeln und Mistgabeln friedliche Menschen verändert ... Bombastische Titel, hölzerne Darsteller, knappes Budget,...
€13.90 *
Der Große Zugraub
Der Große Zugraub
Deutsche Version
Ein Brettspiel für 3 bis 7 Spieler Es sind schlechte Zeiten für Friedey´s, das Schnellrestaurant der Verdammten. Zum einen haben die Zombies nicht ein einziges Gehirn zur Verfügung. Zum anderen ist der Cheeseburger noch nicht erfunden...
€10.90 *
Kill Dr. Lucky
Kill Dr. Lucky
Deutsche Version
Warum beginnen alle Kriminalgeschichten, nachdem der ganze Spaß vorüber ist? Willkommen im Herrenhaus von J. Robert Lucky, einem weitläufigen Anwesen voll mit ungewöhnlichen Waffen, ausgezeichneten Verstecken und feigen Mördern; Mördern...
€14.95 *
Truant: Chicago Gangsters
Truant: Chicago Gangsters
Deutsche Version
Spannung und Intrige in der Welt von Al Capone! Werde zum Paten einer berüchtigten Gangsterbande in dem furiosen Kartenspiel, bei dem nur das Überleben zählt. Chicago Gangster versetzt die Spieler in einen gnadenlosen Bandenkrieg! Deine...
€17.95 *
Wealth of Nations
Wealth of Nations
Englische Version
Transform your nation from its humble beginnings into an economic superpower. Aggressively trade with neighboring nations and astutely manage your assets to grow mighty and cover the world with your flags. Will you drive one Industry...
€42.00 *
Hero Card: Galaxy Crab Expansion
Hero Card: Galaxy Crab Expansion
Englische Version
The Crab eliminates enemies using her overwhelming neutral voltage, rapid reflexes, and intense energy shields. The Crab is a HeroCard Galaxy expansion deck , the battle for cosmic domination. The Crab can compete in any HeroCard game or...
€7.95 *
Portobello Market
Portobello Market
Deutsche Version
Der Londoner Portobello Market ist einer der berühmtesten Flohmärkte der Welt. In den 60er-Jahren bestimmten dort die Hippies, was über die Ladentische der Händler ging. In den 20er-Jahren war es - folgt man Spieleerfinder Thomas...
€25.95 *
Phalanx Games: NoNo
Phalanx Games: NoNo
EN (englische Version)
NoNo is a fast and exciting game for the whole family (it is also very suitable as a party game). The aim is to find a certain term most quickly. The terms which have to be found are determined by cards and special dice. If you make a...
€10.90 *
Phalanx Games: Mesopotamien
Phalanx Games: Mesopotamien
DE (deutsche Version)
At the center is the Ziggurat, where you must bring 4 sacrifice tokens to win. But to deliver them, you must have sufficient Mana reserved by praying in temples, which players build. You bring your sacrifices from 4 huts that you build,...
€44.95 *
Phalanx Games: Nero
Phalanx Games: Nero
DE (deutsche Version)
"In Nero : Legacy of a Despot, the players are contenders for Imperial power. Using legions and political influence, the aim is to either seize and hold the Imperium by being declared Emperor, or to gather enough land and power so that,...
€38.00 *
Parker: Cluedo DVD Brettspiel
Parker: Cluedo DVD Brettspiel
DE (deutsche Version)
From the box: The usual suspects are wreaking havoc at Tudor Mansion, and Scotland Yard needs your help! Can you crack these challenging interactive cases, plus unlimited others in the special bonus game? The DVD brings you inside Tudor...
€59.95 *
Blue Stories
Blue Stories
DE (deutsche Version)
How could that have happened? Blue Stories is a game similar to the Black Stories game series. The players try to reconstruct an obscure event by asking, guessing and fiddling about. Only yes/no answers are allowed. This version of the...
€9.95 *
Green Stories
Green Stories
DE (deutsche Version)
How could that have happened? Green Stories is a game similar to the Black Stories game series. The players try to reconstruct an obscure event by asking, guessing and fiddling about. Only yes/no answers are allowed. This version of the...
€9.95 *
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