Moon Base

EN/JP (englische und japanische Version)

39,95 € *

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  • SW18374
From itten games: In year 20XX, more than half a century after humanity first landed on... mehr
Produktinformationen "Moon Base"

From itten games:

In year 20XX, more than half a century after humanity first landed on the moon with the Apollo project, countries initiated a cooperative “Moon Base” project. Setting the mobile research tower in the center of the development scheme, a 6-year Moon Base development plan utilizing the ring modules was about to be set in motion.

There are 6 rounds in this game of Moon Base development. Players draft and place the “ring modules” on craters and on top of each other to establish their lunar settlements. Utilize each of the three colors of the ring modules effectively to make your color gain the upper hand. At the end of each round, players earn points by placing settlements or a resource base based on the end-of-the-round situation. Transfer the mobile research tower wisely and try to aim for the bonus points available at the end of the 6th round. The player with the higher point total at the end of the game is the winner!



Unique Game Board

The craters on the moon board are the foundations of your lunar base construction. Most craters are overlapped with each other, which means if you place a ring on one all the other overlapping craters will get eliminated. The game situation changes drastically depending on where you and your opponent have placed their rings, affecting your game plan. If you want to be sure to secure a certain crater, you better do it fast!


Physical Stacking Game

The ring modules may be stacked to the 2nd layer, to the 3rd, and so on. The location of the rings on the upper layers will affect what will be possible for the players to do in the following turns and rounds. It’s a strategy game with aspects of play that is unique to the physical characteristics of tabletop games. “I should’ve placed that ring a little bit towards the center!” Regret joyously as you realize what your previous placement could have made possible for you, or done to your opponent.


Random Set Up

In Moon Base, the ring stacks are created randomly when starting the game. But once the game starts, all you can rely on is your good selection of rings and sound judgement of where to place them. All ring stacks are visible to the players, so make your best pick in which rings to take and make the best ring placement by reading your opponent’s prospective moves. Do the best you can to turn randomness into certainty!


Game Heats Up Towards the End

Players compete over a course of 6 rounds, each consisting of 4 turns: a total of 24 turns in a game. Depending on the end-of-the-game situation, you may be able to gain bonus points, so the game heats up towards the end. Find a special ring placement move that can turn the game around.


Contemplate Humanity’s Future in the Sight of the Completed Lunar Base

The game ends when the players complete building their lunar base. The magnificent panorama on the lunar board is a collaborative work of both you and your opponent. Look up to the moon on the night sky and take your thoughts to the possible future that lay ahead of us¬, the humankind.


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Produktinformationen "Moon Base"
Spielart: Grundspiel
Sprache: Englisch, Japanisch
Min. Spieleranzahl: 2
Max. Spieleranzahl: 2
Dauer: 30 min, 60 min
Modus: Kompetitiv
Spieltyp: Abstraktes Spiel, Areale kontrollieren
Thematik: Entdecken & Erkunden, Raumfahrt, Science Fiction
Hersteller: itten, LLC. 123 Building E, 2-16-1, Owada, Ichikawa-shi, Chiba, JAPAN,
EU-Verantwortlicher: BNW Distribution GmbH, Winkelsweg 169, 40764, Langenfeld, Germany,
DE: Warnung! Nicht geeignet für Kinder unter 3 Jahren. Enthält Kleinteile, die verschluckt oder eingeatmet werden können. Bitte bewahren Sie diese Informationen zum späteren Nachschlagen auf.
EN: Warning! Not suitable for children under 3 years. Contains small parts that could be swallowed or inhaled. Please keep this information for further reference.
BG: Предупреждение! Не е подходящ за деца под 3 години. Съдържа малки части, които могат да бъдат погълнати или вдишани. Моля, запазете тази информация за по-нататъшна справка.
CS: Pozor! Nevhodné pro děti do 3 let. Obsahuje malé části, které by mohly být spolknuty nebo vdechnuty. Tyto informace si prosím uschovejte pro další použití.
DA: Advarsel! Ikke egnet til børn under 3 år. Indeholder små dele, der kan sluges eller indåndes. Gem venligst denne information til senere brug.
EL: Προειδοποίηση! Ακατάλληλο για παιδιά κάτω των 3 ετών. Περιέχει μικρά μέρη που μπορούν να καταποθούν ή να εισπνευστούν. Παρακαλούμε φυλάξτε αυτές τις πληροφορίες για περαιτέρω αναφορά.
ES: Advertencia No apto para niños menores de 3 años. Contiene piezas pequeñas que podrían tragarse o inhalarse. Conserve esta información para futuras consultas.
ET: Hoiatus! Ei sobi alla 3-aastastele lastele. Sisaldab väikesi osi, mida võib alla neelata või sisse hingata. Palun säilitage see teave edasiseks kasutamiseks.
FI: Varoitus! Ei sovellu alle 3-vuotiaille lapsille. Sisältää pieniä osia, joita voi niellä tai hengittää. Säilytä nämä tiedot myöhempää käyttöä varten.
FR: Avertissement ! Ne convient pas aux enfants de moins de 3 ans. Contient de petites pièces qui peuvent être avalées ou inhalées. Veuillez conserver ces informations pour référence ultérieure.
GA: Rabhadh! Níl sé oiriúnach do leanaí faoi 3 bliana. Tá codanna beaga ann a d’fhéadfaí a shlogadh nó a ionanálú. Coinnigh an t-eolas seo le haghaidh tuilleadh tagartha.
HR: Upozorenje! Nije prikladno za djecu mlađu od 3 godine. Sadrži male dijelove koji se mogu progutati ili udahnuti. Sačuvajte ove informacije za daljnju upotrebu.
HU: Figyelem! 3 év alatti gyermekek számára nem alkalmas. Lenyelhető vagy belélegezhető apró részeket tartalmaz. Kérjük, őrizze meg ezt a tájékoztatót további használatra.
IT: Attenzione! Non adatto a bambini di età inferiore ai 3 anni. Contiene piccole parti che potrebbero essere ingerite o inalate. Conservare queste informazioni per ulteriore riferimento.
LV: Brīdinājums! Nav piemērots bērniem līdz 3 gadu vecumam. Satur sīkas detaļas, kuras var norīt vai ieelpot. Lūdzu, saglabājiet šo informāciju turpmākai uzziņai.
LT: Įspėjimas! Netinka jaunesniems nei 3 metų vaikams. Sudėtyje yra mažų dalių, kurias galima praryti arba įkvėpti. Saugokite šią informaciją tolesniam naudojimui.
MT: Twissija! Mhux adattat għal tfal taħt it-3 snin. Fih partijiet żgħar li jistgħu jinbelgħu jew jinġibdu man-nifs. Jekk jogħġbok żomm din l-informazzjoni għal aktar referenza.
NL: Waarschuwing! Niet geschikt voor kinderen jonger dan 3 jaar. Bevat kleine onderdelen die ingeslikt of ingeademd kunnen worden. Bewaar deze informatie voor later gebruik.
PL: Ostrzeżenie! Nieodpowiednie dla dzieci w wieku poniżej 3 lat. Zawiera małe elementy, które mogą zostać połknięte lub wdychane. Zachowaj te informacje do późniejszego wykorzystania.
PT: Aviso! Não é adequado para crianças com menos de 3 anos. Contém peças pequenas que podem ser engolidas ou inaladas. Guardar esta informação para referência futura.
RO: Atenție! Nu este potrivit pentru copiii sub 3 ani. Conține părți mici care pot fi înghițite sau inhalate. Vă rugăm să păstrați aceste informații pentru consultare ulterioară.
SV: Varning för barn under 3 år. Ej lämplig för barn under 3 år. Innehåller små delar som kan sväljas eller inandas. Spara denna information för vidare referens.
SK: Varovanie! Nevhodné pre deti do 3 rokov. Obsahuje malé časti, ktoré by sa mohli prehltnúť alebo vdýchnuť. Uchovajte si tieto informácie pre ďalšie použitie.
SL: Opozorilo! Ni primerno za otroke, mlajše od 3 let. Vsebuje majhne dele, ki jih lahko pogoltnete ali vdihnete. Te informacije shranite za nadaljnjo uporabo.
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