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EN (englische Version) / Erweiterung
From Indie Boards and Cards: The Nameless ever encroach on the last bastion of Gravehold. To defeat the dark, one must first become it. The Nameless is an expansion for the cooperative deckbuilding game Aeon's End . This expansion...
20,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Indie Boards and Cards: Aeon’s End: Outcasts continues the Expedition system that was introduced in Aeon’s End: New Age , which allows players to replay all of the content they own in a short campaign format. After each game,...
62,95 € *

EN (englische Version), 2nd Printing
From Leder Games: Long ago, the Reach thrived. But our ancestors failed us, and I fear we’re no better. As we wrestle over the galaxy’s edge, can we break the cycle? Can we build something new? Arcs is a sharp sci-fi strategy game for...
59,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Erweiterung
From Leder Games: Explore unique, tricky strategies in the base game with new Leaders, and add wild twists to both base and campaign games with new Lore. Includes... 8 Leader Cards 14 Lore Cards **A copy of the Arcs base game is required...
16,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / 2. Edition
From the publisher: The time has come for the selection of a new Chancellor at Argent University of Magic, and you are among the likely candidates for the job. Gather your apprentices, ready your spellbook, and build your influence,...
62,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Ermittler-Erweiterung / Neuauflage
Von Asmodee: An abgelegenen Orten auf der Welt liegen unter geheimen, verbotenen Ruinen uralte Relikte begraben, welche die Menschheit niemals hätte finden sollen. Jetzt wurden die Relikte auf die Welt losgelassen. Aber es gibt auch ein...
49,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Neuauflage / Erweiterung
Von Asmodee: Wir glauben die Geschichte der Erde zu kennen, aber es gibt Geheimnisse, die jenseits dessen liegen, was wir begreifen können, und Wahrheiten, die unser Verständnis vom Universum zu zerstören drohen. Als der angesehene...
76,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Ermittler-Erweiterung
Von Asmodee: Schließlich kletterten die der Männer aus Arkham – der alte, weißbärtige Dr. Armitage, der untersetzte, eisengraue Prof. Rice und der hagere, junge Dr. Morgan – allein den Berg. – H. P. Lovecraft, Das Grauen von Dunwich Die...
49,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Kampagnen-Erweiterung / Neuauflage
Von Asmodee: Einst versetzte eine monströse Präsenz den abgeschiedenen Ort Dunwich in Angst und Schrecken. Die Zeit des Schreckens endete erst, als drei Professoren der Miskatonic Universität – Dr. Armitage, Dr. Morgan und Professor Rice...
76,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Allplay: Can You Keep Your Dinosaurs Fed? Layered Tile Placement, Where Your Tiles Might Eat Each Other! It’s eat or be eaten. Are you ready to feed some dinos AND stop them from CHOMPING each other? The era of the dinosaurs is...
29,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Indie Boards & Cards: In the Future where the government is run for profit, all but a priviliged few live lifes of poverty and desperation. Out of these opressed masses are sown the seeds of a rebellion that shows the government...
17,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Allplay: Rock the Funway! Take on the role of a fashion model as you hit the runways in New York, Paris, and Tokyo to build your career! It's hard to be everywhere at once. Bid wisely and become a fashion icon! Or, spread yourself...
20,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von Asmodee: Lenkst du die Geschicke der Gemeinschaft des Rings, um die freien Völker zu verteidigen und den Einen Ring zu zerstören? Oder machst du als Sauron Jagd auf Frodo und Sam, während du deine Armeen vor den Toren der feindlichen...
32,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version)
Von Kosmos: Auf in unglaubliche Unterwasser-Abenteuer! Dieses kooperative Kartenspiel führt die Spieler auf Expedition in die dunklen Tiefen des Meeres. Was wird sie dort erwarten? Nur im Team wird diese Mission ins Unbekannte gelingen....
17,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Burnt Island Games: Plunge into the modern era, where our planet's vast interconnected ocean scape is one of the last frontiers to discover and explore. Experience a deep new ever-changing adventure in this followup to the smash hit...
54,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Spielzubehör
From Starling Games: Without question, the most noteworthy landmark in all of Everdell is the Ever Tree ! It was among the roots of this tree that Corrin and his companions first settled upon discovering Everdell . This upgraded Ever...
28,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Reprint
From Van Ryder Games: In this highly-thematic and highly variable horror game for one, you will be the star of one of several feature films! Step into the shoes of the girl of your choice and move, search, and fight your way to victory...
22,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Feature Film Box / Reprint
From Van Ryder Games: In this highly-thematic and highly variable horror game for one, you will be the star of one of several feature films! Geppetto - The Puppet Master wanted a family of his own. Using inspiration from his favorite...
22,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Spielzubehör
From Van Ryder Games: Horror awaits! This massive box includes space for the Core box, Game Mat box, and the Series 1 collection of Feature Film boxes for critically acclaimed solo game Final Girl . Plus, included inside are the Cast and...
39,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Feature Film Box / Reprint
From Van Ryder Games: In this highly-thematic and highly variable horror game for one, you will be the star of one of several feature films! Summer camp turns deadly in: The Happy Trails Horror. This Feature Film box stars Hans - The...
22,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / Feature Film Box
From Van Ryder Games: The highly-thematic and highly variable horror game for one has returned! Step into the shoes of the girl of your choice and move, search, and fight your way to victory by eliminating the killer and surviving the...
22,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Kennerspiel des Jahres 2019
Vom Feuerland Verlag : Flügelschlag ist ein wunderschönes Spiel über die Vögel Nordamerikas. Ihr seid Vogelliebhaber - Forscher, Vogelbeobachter und Ornithologen - und versucht eine Vielzahl an unterschiedlichen Arten anzulocken. Sammelt...
56,95 € *

This is no Article, just the Reminder, that we received full Restock of Flying Frog Productions!! And of Course a lot of News too…
0,10 € *

From Osprey Games: Take command of Axis and Allied troops at the height of World War II in the first ever worker-placement wargame, brought to you by the designers of the Undaunted series. General Orders: World War II pits competing...
29,95 € *

EN (englische Version), Solitaire, 2024 Reprint
From Trompet Games: Play as the commander of the Norwegian forces. Explore the fortress and dig your way through mountains of snow and broken equipment. New recruits are joining while you plan supply routes for the coming siege. Defend...
59,00 € *

DE/EN/FR (deutsch/englisch/französische version)
Von All or None Games: Hunderte von Fischarten sind heute stark bedroht. Um etwas daran zu ändern, wurde die Initiative The Hidden Ark gegründet. Eine Allianz von Wissenschaftsgruppen aus der ganzen Welt, die sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat,...
53,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: Inis is a game deeply rooted in Celtic history and lore in which players win by being elected King of the Island (Inis). Players can try to achieve one of three different victory conditions: Leadership: Be the leader...
59,95 € *

Sprachunabhängig / Reprint
Von Roxley: Die originalen Iron Clays . Dieses Set aus 200 Chips ist designed um mit vielen gängigen Euro Games verwendbar zu sein. Sie sind außerdem perfekt zum Zählen von Lebenspunkten oder Ähnlichem. Iron Clays 200 werden in einer...
99,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Allplay: A trick-taking game where you play ranks and suits on separate cards. Best played 2v2! In Lunar , you'll have to play cleverly and have chemistry with your teammate to succeed. Lunar is a quick-playing, trick-taking game...
20,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Allplay: A Mindful Polyomino Roll & Write Breathe in…Breathe out… Achieve serenity! Mind Space is a roll-&-write game in which players try to seek calm and peacefulness by adding pursuits to their brains. Each pursuit is a polyomino...
20,95 € *

DE (deutsche Version) / Erweiterung
Von Lookout Spiele: Im Bergmischwald der Alpen tummeln sich bis über die Baumgrenze hinweg zahlreiche Tiere, Pflanzen und Pilze. Enzian, Adler, Murmeltiere, Gemsen, Zirbelkiefer - Ihre Lebensräume sind unterschiedlich, doch auch hier...
10,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From the publisher: Based on the hit Mistborn novel series by Brandon Sanderson, the Mistborn Deckbuilding Game takes players into the world of Scadrial! From designer John D Clair, players get to control iconic characters from the...
46,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Allplay: Mori is the Latin word for death and the Japanese word for forest. Both of these interpretations are represented in the artwork of this card game. Mori is full of “tricky” decisions, as players manipulate their hand of...
20,95 € *

EN (englische Version)
From Renegade Game Studios: This Renegade Exclusive game identical to the Kickstarter copies including all the stretch goals and scenarios. In My Father's Work , 2-4 players play competing mad scientists entrusted with a page from their...
129,95 € *

EN (englische Version) / 3rd Print
From Leder Games: Oath: Chronicles of Empire and Exile is a one to six player strategy board game where players will guide the course of history in an ancient land. They might attempt to bolster the power of the Chancellor or scheme to...
124,95 € *

EN (English Version), Coin Volume XII
From GMT: “200 years of Earth rule. 200 years of being told what to do by people on some distant blue orb in the sky. A pampered planet populated by soft people. Earth politicians playing golf on a sunny day while sipping French...
95,00 € *
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